Getting a new smile can certainly be exciting. It can offer improved self-confidence, appearance, and overall better health. While there are various methods in Prairieville, Louisiana of which to receive a great new smile, dental implants can often be one of the best options for this procedure. However, before getting started on your new smile, you need to make sure your smile is as healthy and prepared as possible. This is where a dental professional, such as an Oral Surgeon, comes in to play to help prepare you to get the best results possible.
What is an Oral Surgeon?
An Oral Surgeon is a dental specialist that specializes into the structure of your mouth and teeth, making sure they are as healthy as possible before getting dental implants to get a brand-new smile. An Oral Surgeon in Prairieville, Louisiana will also make sure your jawbone is sturdy and strong enough to receive the implants. If your jawbone is not strong enough, they can strengthen it so you can receive the implants. This can also include bone grafting, which is a procedure that adds tissue from one area of the mouth to another if there is any missing tissue that is insufficient for dental implantation.
Dental implants are placed in the bone of the jaw and are then covered with a natural looking crown or tooth cap to replace any teeth that are unhealthy, crooked, or not suitable for a healthy oral environment. Dental implants can result in a beautiful new smile and look for you, but first, your mouth must be healthy and ready for the implants, to ensure longevity and overall health of the implant. An Oral Surgeon in Prairieville, Louisiana can be a great resource to help you get started!
Get a new smile today!
Invest in yourself and see if you are a candidate for a brand-new smile today by contacting our doctors, Drs. R. Leo Regan, Michael Casadaban, David Bulot, Steven Nelson, and Kit Kiebach, in our office in Prairieville, Louisiana to get started by scheduling a consultation today!