Are you thinking about replacing your missing or failing teeth with full arch dental implants in Prairieville, LA? You’ve made a good decision. This type of dental implant solution can bring back the appearance of your smile and help show off your personality. Best of all, your dental implants won’t just look like natural teeth. They’ll function like them, too.
Many people who receive full arch dental implants are surprised at how quickly they adapt to them. They’re also pleased with the way the prosthesis performs. One reason for the overall effectiveness of dental implants is the materials used to create the entire implant. In fact, high-quality dental implants created from leading-edge materials can last for a lifetime, making them the only permanent answer to the problem of lost teeth.
What Materials Make up a Full Arch Dental Implant?
Unless you’re an oral surgeon or prosthodontist, you may not be familiar with the various parts and materials of a full arch dental implant. The system is fairly easy to understand, however, and is outlined below.
All dental implants require a post, which is the part of the implant that is surgically placed under the gums and in the bone. Implant posts are typically made from titanium or ceramic. This makes them both durable and reliable. Within a few months after placement, the post fuses with the surrounding bone, creating a strong anchor for the rest of the implant.
The next part of the implant is the abutment. You can think of the abutment as the link between the post and the prosthesis. Abutments come in a variety of shapes and types depending upon the type of dental implant. All are designed to hold the prosthesis in place.
The final part of any full arch dental implant is the most exciting from a patient’s point of view: the prosthesis. The prosthesis mimics the look of a real smile. To achieve a flawless aesthetic, the outside of the prosthesis may be made of acrylic or a chip-resistant hybrid composite material like the SmartComposite or Zir.MAX.M®. Throughout your consultations with an oral surgeon or prosthodontist, you’ll determine which type of material makes the most sense for your smile goals.
Full Arch Dental Implants in Prairieville, LA: A Fully Functioning Solution
Taken together, the three elements that comprise a full arch dental implant (post, abutment, prosthesis) allow you to go back to your normal lifestyle routine, including being able to eat what you want. That’s because all the materials work in tandem. With proper care of your implants, you can expect outstanding results that will last year after year.
Interested in getting an evaluation for full arch dental implants in Prairieville, LA? Contact the Fusion Implant Center to talk about our Fusion Smile System with board-certified Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Michael C. Casadaban or his colleagues, Drs. R. Leo Regan, David Bulot, Steven Nelson, and Kit Kiebach. Call our office in Prairieville, Louisiana today at (225) 638-2591.